The temporary use of empty space for community benefit

Project Coordinator (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs), 2012 / Business development and innovation, 2013

Business development and innovation / Empty commercial spaces / Place - making / Project Management

After years working on B2B events management and in the creative sector and being always concerned about the difficulty to find the perfect affordable space to start-up a business or organize and event I was exploring how to activate otherwise empty spaces when I met Emily and Eddie from meanwhile Space. I approached them with the idea to move the Meanwhile concept to my home country. My proposal and business plan was awarded by the Erasmus for Entrepreneurs and Cambra de Comerç. That allowed me to join Meanwhile Space CIC on 2012 and start my career on the social enterprise ecosystem working as a project coordinator in East and West London. Those were city revitalization and place-making projects to re-use empty shops during their pauses of rent for community benefit. I worked as mentor for tenants who where starting their business in Meanwhile Spaces.

After working as project coordinator I started working as Business Developer and Innovation manager to find out solutions for Meanwhile Space CIC to, first of all, increase their capacity to capitalize their network and business options and , secondly, to increase Meanwhile brand awareness in Europe. All that, would also bring more opportunities to landlords, tenants and cities to re-use empty spaces for a human scale city revitalisation.