First pilot in Barcelona to study how to re-use empty space for urban revitalisation and community benefit

Founder, 2014

Consultancy / Project Manager / Project strategy / Retail / Place - making / Urban Revitalisation / Commercial spaces

Whilst working in Meanwhile Space CIC in Innovation and Development and setting up the new Consultancy with the two Meanwhile Space directors, I set-up Mentrestant in Barcelona in partnership with three departments from the Barcelona Council including Foment de Ciutat Vella, Innovation and Creativity (Culture Institute) and Comerç. This first Meanwhile pilot in Barcelona worked to set up a bespoke Meanwhile method and a basis to re-use empty shops for entrepreneurs benefits in Catalunya and Spain. This was a city revitalization pilot in Raval city centre where three empty retails have been activated to bring live back to one of the Raval Street and to tackle decline in the area.

When I first approached Meanwhile Space CIC, I did it with the idea to make the Meanwhile method happen in my home country given the lack of affordable space, the amount of people with the need to test or start projects and idea and the amount of commercial spaces sitting empty in urban areas. I built a business plan which won an award and funding for European Young Entrepreneurs. That allowed me to join Meanwhile Space to study how to implement the business.